A place of knowledge
Independently or with a mediator, the goal of the MOPO is to teach and to pass on knowledge on trades, know-how and mostly on craftsmen
The educational service is the intermediary in between the museum and the academic environment. It offers resources and educational tools to teachers, to help them with the development of projects and introduce them to the MOPO’s activities.
Here, you can find educational resources to download (only in french).
Each file includes a teacher card and at least one student file. The project can be made during the visit with your students or in class before or after your visit.
With a mediator
Set out to discover the XVIth century know-how with your students. You will learn about the trades and tools which have been used for the construction of the building (only at reservation)
For further information :
Depending on the availability, the museum offers you the possibility to eat your picnic in the yard or in a room (according to the weather). On request and reservation at
Downloadable tools (in french)
A la recherche de l’outil maléfique
(jeu autour du rapport entre l’ouvrier, l’outil et la machine).
Outil maléfique – Dossier professeurs
Outil maléfique – Dossier élèves
Outil maléfique – Prolongement
Un meurtre à la Maison de l’Outil et de la Pensée Ouvrière (jeu autour de l’ambivalence du marteau).
Cluedo – Prolongement professeurs
Cluedo – Dossier élèves
Ambivalence du marteau – Prolongement élèves
PAG Architecture - l'architecture et les métiers de la construction
Fiche séquence – Dossier professeurs
Se repérer dans la MOPO – Dossier élèves
L’architecture de la MOPO – Dossier élèves
Les métiers qui ont construit la MOPO – Dossier élèves
Le développement durable à la MOPO – Dossier élèves
Les matériaux pour la construction de la MOPO – Dossier élèves
Format livret complet (A5 – planches pour impression) – Dossier élèves
Liste QR Code vidéos – Dossier professeurs
A la découverte des tailleurs de pierre
(autour de la vitrine « le carrier tailleur de pierre »)
Le carrier tailleur de pierre (Plan Artistique Globalisé) – Dossier pédagogique
Museum and bookshop
Every day from 09am to 12pm and from 2pm to 6pm
From October to March the museum and bookshop are closed on Tuesdays
Closed every year on January 1st and December 25th
The resource center
+33 (0)3 25 73 28 26
Museum :
Bookshop :
Resource center :